Supporting Your Dyslexic Dyspraxic Child

hillcroft2This new, ground-breaking course focuses on mothers and their children who are, or may be, dyslexic or dyspraxic. Your child may learn differently and need to be supported to maintain their confidence and achieve their full potential.

The focus is on mothers and children developing strategies together to support their child and ways to communicate more effectively with their school.

You can bring your child (ages 5 – 11) or come on your own; all participants will be able to learn strategies and take away a plan to help their children to study and cope with school.

This is a real opportunity to move your child forward, and overcome the barriers that hold your children back from a brighter future.

Most courses at Hillcroft are FREE (except for a small £20 admin fee), for those of you who meet the eligibility criteria. For more information or to enrol on this dynamic course call Admissions on 0208 399 2688 and make a difference to your family life

Mums comments from the pilot run in February 2014.

Mum with a year 7 boy – I have gained an enormous amount of insight into the struggles which my dyslexic child may face.  This enables me to change my attitude towards my child which in turn helps me to support him more. Mum with a year 4 girl – I have gained an insight in to the life of a dyslexic child and the difficulties they are faced with and what I can do to offer support.  I have gained knowledge of how to support my daughter with her spelling (top 5 tips) and reading (5 top tips)

Mum with year 2 boy – I have learnt a lot of valuable information and strategies on how to support my sons learning, how to identify his style of learning using the language of multiple intelligences. I have also learnt how to use software to help him with his writing.

This family based residential course runs from 11.30am on Tuesday 27th May to 3pm on Friday 30th May 2014 Hillcroft College, South Bank, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 6DF Tel: 020 8399 2688 Email: Web:

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