With the end of summer fast-approaching, children and parents alike will be considering back to school. While there is often much excitement around the prospect of seeing friends, new school uniform and, tentatively, even lessons themselves, there can also be a lot of anxiety around the thought of returning to school.
For children making the transition from primary to secondary the worry can be even greater. Whilst it’s important for parents to reassure their children it’s also important that we don’t dismiss their fears out of hand. Lorrae Jaderberg, co-founder of education consultancy JK Educate has some top tips for parents on how to smooth the transition between primary and secondary education and soothe anxieties about the change to ‘big school’.
- Identify and discuss your child’s hopes and fears beforehand
- Plan and practise the travel route to school a few times before the first day
- Practise putting on school uniform – especially ties!
- Make sure your child knows where their form room will be
- Run through the ‘what ifs’ scenarios such as: What if I lose my diary? Lose my keys? Lose my PE kit? Have my money stolen? Leave my PE kit on the bus?
- Make sure you know what to do in case of an emergency or if you get lost, who to contact at school and both home and school telephone numbers are in your phone
- Finally remember everyone is new and nervous – not just you!
Lorrae Jaderberg, Co-founder JK Educate