A Girl’s Guide to Being Fearless

Dear teenagers of the world, it’s not supposed to be like this.

Teenage years have always been fraught with exam and relationship pressures. The mental health stats took a tumble when we added filtered images, social media and cyber bullying. Then along came 2020, and the epidemic of anxiety gave way to a full blown pandemic.

Enter a new lexicon of PPE, social distancing, furlough and bubbles. Overnight, growing up became a lot harder.

Bottom line, the world has become a scary place. ‘Fear’ – a tiny word for a massive emotion – has sunk its teeth into far too many young people. With pandemic pandemonium set to continue, the good news is that lockdown doesn’t have to mean meltdown. It’s time to turn the tables, rise above the noise and fight back.

A Girl’s Guide to Being Fearless

The new book from Suzie Lavington and Dr Andy Cope. Written with teenage girls in mind, it is part of a wellbeing movement. A ‘quiet revolution’ going on inside our heads. A call to action supporting an uprising of mental health and human flourishing by equipping young women with knowledge and strategies, enabling them to thrive in a world that’s hell bent on breaking them.

With content based on the science of Positive Psychology, A Girl’s Guide to Being Fearless is evidence based, but with the big words removed and replaced with common sense and practical tips so that when the world does its worst, teenagers may bend but they won’t break.

Quite simply, it’s about readers signing up to being their best self on the understanding that once you sort things out between your ears, you become an example of what an awesome human being looks, sounds and feels like. It shows in your behaviours, which enables you to cope with whatever life throws your way.

A Girl’s Guide to Being Fearless is a gathering of life’s cheat codes. All simple, all do-able, and now all wrapped up and accessible for teenage girls. The premise; apart from the occasional ‘low’, your life is supposed to be EPIC. A 4000-week blaze of glory! In short, it’ll help teenagers find their BRAVE

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