OjO’s Smart Games & Maker Kits

According to STEM Learning (stem.org.uk) the “shortfall in graduates in science, technology, engineering and maths costs the UK economy £1.5bn a year.” Their mission is to improve lives through a world-leading science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.

OjO has developed an integrated STREAM learning platform: Science, Technology, Robotics, Engineering and Mathematics to complement primary education 4-8 years. Smart games that help develop problem solving, kits and family games that stimulate children’s curiosity.  Showing children that critical thinking can be fun! Through their games and toys, OjO are preparing the next generation for future career exploration.

Coding & Tech Games: Christmas 2019 Exclusive

As seen on CBeebies (BBC), the Which Way? Coding Board Game is a new and exciting strategy game to teach children key coding skills with the whole family, friends and classmates. Who can help Messy (from CBeebies TV show, Messy Goes to OKIDO) to visit all his friends across OKIDO first?

Family Board Games

Travel around a world of strange and wonderful possibilities with Story Creations, a fun family game based on Charades, to stimulate storytelling and creativity. Maths meets creativity with Shape Factory, as players collaborate to build everyday items from geometrical shapes. Direct your own mini-movies and solve maths problems at the same time with the Movie Director Maths Board Game. This board game offers a fun new way to build maths skills, problem solving and imagination. Learn basic chemistry in a fun way with Atomic Force, by collecting Protons, Neutrons and Electrons to solve scientific challenges!

Maker Kits

The Mars Mission Kit takes you on an imaginative journey across the Red Planet with three exciting missions to complete. Create your own Mars landscape and Exploration Rover, then take it apart and build a rocket to fly back to Earth! The Raft Making Kit is a hands-on, problem-solving activity for children to develop their design and imagination skills. Test and iterate your rafts in a bath or sink, then take it all apart and build something else.

These well-made stimulating games and kits will keep the family entertained for Christmas and the rest of the new year.

Available from  www.learnwithojo.com

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