Premier League launches Free Anti-Bullying Week Teaching Resources

The Premier League has teamed up with the Anti-Bullying Alliance to launch a new set of free, curriculum-linked teaching resources for schools titled ‘Choose Respect’ in support of Anti-Bullying Week 2024 (11 to 15 November). This year’s focus is on respect for all, regardless of gender, race, or ability, and applying it in real-life situations.

Available on the Premier League Primary Stars education website, the free resources are designed for children aged 7-11 and equip teachers with tools to effectively address bullying. Drawing on the expertise of industry leaders, subject matter experts, and the influence of Premier League role models—both on and off the pitch—the football-themed lessons use the sport’s appeal to inspire meaningful classroom conversations, encourage reflection on behaviour, and promote respectful relationships.

“We are delighted about this collaboration with the Premier League to create school materials for Anti-Bullying Week. Together, we hope to equip educators with the skills they need to promote respect over bullying and make a positive impact on young people’s lives.”

Martha Evans, Director of the Anti-Bullying Alliance

 About the teaching resources

Launched in 2017, Premier League Primary Stars is the Premier League’s primary school education programme.

Funded by the Premier League, via the Premier League Charitable Fund, the programme uses the appeal of football to help children to learn, be active and develop essential life skills.

The free programme provides teachers and parents with access to more than 650 downloadable resources across a range of curriculum subjects at Key Stage 1 (age 5-7) and Key Stage 2 (age 7-11), developed by teachers for teachers, and in collaboration with subject experts.

The ‘Choose Respect’ teaching pack is the latest Premier League Primary Stars resource to be made available to teachers. Offering practical, easy-to-use resources aligned with the English and Welsh PSHE curriculum, the resource helps pupils to explore key concepts like self-respect, respect for others, and understanding how their actions affect those around them. Developed with the Anti-Bullying Alliance, the lessons tackle the root causes of bullying using insights from young people.

Premier League Charitable Fund Chief Executive, Ruth Shaw OBE

“The new Premier League Primary Stars Choose Respect resource uses children’s passion for football to engage them in learning. Promoting respect in schools is vital for creating safe, inclusive environments where children can thrive.

“The resource, designed to support children to understand the consequences of actions, during Anti Bullying Week and beyond, is our latest free PSHE offering for primary school teachers. It complements the Premier League Primary Stars suite of more than 650 free primary school resources designed to harness children’s love of the sport to help them to develop essential life skills, and to learn and engage in classroom activities.”

The resource pack includes a complete lesson focused on exploring respect both on and off the pitch, supported by a word bank of key terms like acceptance and conflict, as well as a film reinforcing positive behaviour. It features three worksheets: ‘Respect on the Pitch’ (sport scenarios emphasising respect), ‘Roleplay Scenarios’ (interactive cards for practicing respectful responses), and ‘My Respect Pledges’ (personal and school-wide commitments). Comprehensive teacher notes make the resources accessible to all teachers, requiring no prior football knowledge.

Teachers who reviewed the resources shared positive feedback: “This resonated with my KS2 pupils, framing the concept of respect in a relatable way,” said one. Another commented, “I would welcome this resource as a fresh perspective for Anti-Bullying Week.” A third teacher highlighted the benefits of teamwork in the lessons, adding, “I appreciate that the outcome gives children practical knowledge they can apply in their school setting. It has the potential to make a real, meaningful difference in their lives.”

In addition to the ‘Choose Respect’ resources, Premier League Primary Stars offers a selection of Anti-Bullying Week resources such as; Make a Noise about Bullying (teaching pupils how to speak out against bullying), Reaching Out (highlighting the importance of supporting those affected by bullying), and Kicking Around Kindness (using football scenarios to promote kindness as an antidote to bullying). All resources align with Premier League Primary Stars’ values of being ambitious, inspiring, connected and fair, helping to create more respectful and inclusive school environments.

Join us in supporting Anti-Bullying Week 2024

Teachers across England and Wales can download the ‘Choose Respect’ resources for free from the Premier League Primary Stars website.

For more information and to explore the full range of Premier League Primary Stars’ teaching resources, please visit

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