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Chica’s Halloween Tale: A Call for Kindness

Poor Chica, a black cat with a heart full of hope, and her kittens were sadly abandoned outside a veterinary practice last Halloween. Cold, frightened, and in need of urgent care, they were lucky to receive the attention they so desperately needed. While her kittens quickly found loving homes once they were old enough to be separated from their mother, Chica’s journey to her forever home was far more challenging.

Overlooked and Overdue

Chica’s story highlights a troubling trend: black cats are often overlooked in favour of more colourful felines. Whether due to outdated superstitions or the belief that they are less photogenic, black cats like Chica frequently wait longer for their new homes. Unfortunately, Chica waited a staggering 83 days—much longer than the average stay of 33 days for cats in shelters.

The Hidden Costs of Overlooked Cats

It’s not just the longer wait that impacts these cats. Black cats typically take an average of five days longer to rehome compared to their more colourful counterparts. The additional time in care adds up, with extra costs for food and healthcare totalling around £50 per cat. This financial burden can strain resources, making it even more crucial to find ways to support these deserving animals.

Join the Hallow-Stream for Change

You can help change the fate of cats like Chica by participating in the Hallow-Stream event. Running from 1 October to 7 November, this spook-tacular event invites gamers, and streamers to set up scary sponsorship challenges from home.

There are still many ways to get involved. Host a games night with a small donation fee, run a Tiltify poll where donations determine your Halloween costume or pumpkin carving designs, or set up fundraising forfeits that you share on social media.

Spread the Word

Simply sharing the message with friends and family who enjoy gaming, streaming, or content creation can make a significant difference. Your support helps rewrite the stories of cats like Chica and shows that black cats are not bad omens but cherished companions.

Together, let’s cast a spell of kindness and prove that every cat deserves a loving home.