Vikinga Tider Löddeköpinge, Sweden


VikingaTider is an archaeological open air museum showing what the landscape and buildings would have looked like in Viking age.  The concept behind The Viking Tider (times) is to clear up the many myths and misconceptions about Viking life by presenting visitors with genuine archaeological evidence as well as entertainment for the family. They have a Kids Club with a boy and girl Snake & Ylva imaginary characters showing you how they lived on the farm and you can read their letter explaining about what it was like here a thousand years ago.  A fascinating display compares their gadgets and crafts with modern day equivalent.


To find out more about the Scandinavian-based Vikings you can give their crafts a try. Learn about their social structure by taking part in the daily life and learn about the Viking age from spring cleaning the farm, painting and repairing, to planting, sowing, cooking, plus games and listening to tales.

The Viking Times is a non-profit foundation that works with the archaeological finds to inspire the modern generation to understand the historical importance of this farm during the reign of King Harold Bluetooth, the first Christian King of Denmark.

Viking Times activities include: Educational activities for schools, children and families; Landscape Reconstruction with planting, cultivation; Construction and building of Viking farm and houses; Viking weekends; Craft encounters; Guided tours

I’d recommend this farm for children as it’s a friendly inviting location not too big for short legs to explore with lots of space to run around and investigate.



Photos copyright Regina D. Utyasheva

Angavallen – Farm and Hotel

Frederikssund Viking Settlement and Play 45 KM from Copenhagen in Denmark

Roskilde Viking Ship Museum 35 KM from Copenhagen in Denmark

Trelleborg Viking Fortress, 100km from Copenhagen in Demark

The Viking Experiences and the Viking Games

Denmark Sagnlandet Lejre – Land of Legends 45 KM from Copenhagen in Denmark

Viking Fortress Trelleborg, 60 km from Copenhagen Sweden

Foteviken Viking Town & Museum Höllviken  50 KM from Copenhagen in Sweden

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