Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Fuss free sprays for fussy kids

 It can be really tricky to get your children to take medicine if they aren’t very well. And the more worked up they get, the more distressing it can be for everyone involved. Take the hassle away with these three no fuss sprays to soothe your little one’s symptoms when they are feeling under the weather and sensitive this winter from the extra time spent indoors, exposed to lots of people’s germs.

Children suffer twice as many sore throats as adults do. Ultra Chloraseptic Anaesthetic Throat Sprays can be used for novel ultra-quick, ultra-targeted relief on the go. The local anaesthetic Benzocaine is targeted directly to the point of pain where it immediately numbs, allowing your child to carry on with their day, pain-free. Suitable for the whole family (6+).

Available from pharmacies and supermarkets in NEW blackcurrant, cherry and menthol. Priced £5.21 for 15ml/90 sprays.

Children are susceptible to eye irritation, and central heating, wind, cold weather and excessive screen use are all irritants. Try NEW Murine Refresh & Soothe Eye Mist for fuss-free instant soothing relief and long lasting hydration this winter. This gentle mist is sprayed onto closed eyelids where, after a few blinks, it travels into the eye without flooding it. Perfect for subtle use on the go, and suitable for even for the most squeamish of children! Available from pharmacies and supermarkets. Priced £9.99 for 15ml/300 sprays.

 Being blocked up and struggling to breathe can be very distressing for a child. Try Nasaleze Cold this winter, a natural nasal powder spray that helps prevent and reduce respiratory illness and flu virus, whilst giving the sensation of opening up the airways, helping your little one breathe more easily. Available from Priced at £7.95 for a 30 day supply.

By Penny McCarthy

Penny McCarthy is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of Parents News UK, a pioneering publication launched in 1993 to serve the needs of busy parents in Southwest London. Alongside her husband, Fergus McCarthy, Penny played a crucial role in the rapid expansion of the printed edition, which grew from a local startup to a widely circulated monthly publication with a reach of 192,000 copies across Kent, South London, and beyond. Under Penny’s leadership, Parents News quickly became a trusted resource for families, providing valuable information on education, entertainment, sports, and family-friendly events. Her vision helped the publication extend its influence with franchises in Northern Ireland and Cornwall, catering to a growing demand for accessible, family-oriented content. In 1997, recognising the importance of digital media, Penny spearheaded the launch of Parents News UK Online. The website initially mirrored the content of the printed editions and has since evolved into a comprehensive online resource for parents, achieving significant popularity with up to 700 daily hits. In 2017, the publication transitioned fully to an online platform, continuing to inform and engage families across the UK. Today, Penny remains deeply involved in the ongoing success of Parents News UK, focusing on innovative advertising opportunities and future growth plans. Her dedication to supporting families through accessible and practical content has made Parents News a cherished name in households across the country.

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