At 23 years old, Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, which this year takes place on Friday 27th September, is the original and most successful charity fundraising event of its sort.

It’s not surprising really when all it involves is getting together with family, friends or colleagues for coffee and cake to help Macmillan ensure no one has to face cancer alone. Last year, more than 5 million people took part and raised a record-breaking £15 million!

So, to inspire keen bakers or just discerning tasters everywhere, Macmillan has come up with a range of products to add pizzazz to any coffee morning.

Retro Hemingway apron

Rock the retro look at your coffee morning with this fabulous 1970’s-inspired apron designed by the masters of all things quirky and cool – the Hemingway Design team. The former Red or Dead founders, Wayne and Gerardine’s design house created the limited-edition apron especially for Macmillan’s coffee morning hosts. Priced at £12.99, every penny of profit goes to Macmillan.

The Little Book of Treats

Packed full of mouth-wateringly tasty recipes from celebrities, professional chefs and foodie bloggers, the Little Book of Treats makes a really big difference with every penny of the £4 suggested donation going to help make sure that no one faces cancer alone.

Whether it’s Dame Maggie Smith’s Peanut butter brownies, Rachel Khoo’s Chouquettes, Gwyneth Paltrow’s Sweet potato muffins or Antonio Carluccio’s Torta di Ricotta, get baking and enjoy bringing a little slice of joy into your kitchen.

Available exclusively from M&S Cafés (suggested donation £4) across the UK between 4 September and 2 October.

 25% donation from Lola’s Cupcakes

 If you’re not a hotshot in the kitchen but would still like to do your bit for the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, at Lola’s cupcakes you can feel good about buying beautifully hand-crafted cakes as 25% of every sale made during the week leading up to the event will be donated to the fundraiser.

All you have to say is your order is for a Macmillan coffee morning for the charity to receive the donation! Simply order on-line or in-store and pick from hundreds of delicious flavours to set taste buds tingling.

 M&S Café

If you can’t make it to an actual coffee morning, head down to your local M&S Café where 50p from the sale of every coffee on 27 September will go to Macmillan!

There will also be promotions on sandwiches and cakes in the café throughout September to help get you geared up for coffee morning.

With more than one in three of us expected to get cancer in our lifetime, the valuable funds raised from these products will help Macmillan ensure that no one has to face the fight alone.

Visit, call 0845 602 1246 or text COFFEE to 88080 to get your Coffee Morning Kit today.

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