What’s On May 2015 SWLondon & Surrey
Daily South Norwood Recreation Ground Car Green Road Croydon 020-8760 5707 Fitness Trails for adults & children of all fitness levels to get fit & keep fit. Positioned at each exercise station are signs showing the exercise to be undertaken with the suggested number of number repetitions.
Daily Lower Morden Garden Centre 020 8337 7781 Soft Play, under 5’s.
Daily Sutton Ecology Centre Festival Walk Carshalton 020 8770 5820 Playworld fantasy play area, 2-10yrs.
Daily Rainbow Leisure Centre East Street 01372 727277 Toddlers World, under 5’s.
Ongoing Kidplay Cafe 282-284 Lower Addiscombe Road Croydon Softplay & café, under 5’s.
Ongoing Dupass Hill Outdoor Gym Each item has clear instruction for its use over 12’s.
Ongoing Kingston Museum and Heritage Centre Wheatfield Way Kingston 020 8547 5006 Remembering Kingston at War exhibition.
Every Mon Lloyd Park 020 8726 6000 Health walk circular through Lloyd Park & Shirley on mainly flat terrain, ideal for beginners, 2 miles last approx 1hr, meet 11am FREE & same walk on potentially hilly terrain, 3+miles ideal for advanced walkers, 2pm, FREE. Every Sat Park run, FREE weekly timed 5k run, need to register first.
Every Mon Parchmore Community Centre 53-55 Parchmore Road 020 8726 6000 x88965 Circuit for those new to exercise, returning after illness & the more mature exerciser.
Every Mon SecombeTheatre Cheam Road Sutton 020 8770 6990 Zumba fitness. Every Tues Line Dancing. Every Wed Ballroom Dance, under 8’s to adults.
Every Mon Hampton Library 020 8734 3347 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 3rd Thurs of the month Chatterbooks reading group, 8-9yrs, 4pm, FREE.
Every Mon Morden Library 020 8545 4040 Scrabble Club everyone is welcome. Every Wed Welcome Mornings with stories & crafts for pre-school children. Ist Thurs of every month Coffee mornings for adults. Every Fri Storytime 4+yrs. 1st Fri of each month Wellbeing drop in sessions, a Wellbeing Coordinator will be on hand to meet you face to face, talk through any issues you may have, sign you up for any upcoming workshops, tell you more about other services available in the borough, Tel: 020 3178 2549.
Every Mon Pollards Hill Library 020 8764 5877 Musical mayhem. Every Mon Employment Club improve your CV, covering letter, interview skills & more. Every Thurs Salsa Dance classes, FREE. Every Fri storytimes.
Every Mon Wimbledon Library 020 8946 7432 Jewellery drop in workshop for adults, FREE. Every Tues Coffee morning for over 50s. Every Tues IT also Basic IT Training. Every Wed Sewing Circle for adults, FREE. Every Wed French Conservation drop in classes, beginner & intermediate levels, for adults. Every Wed Teenage French Tutorials, 8-18yrs. Every 1st Sat of month Genealogy Sessions, get help tracing your ancestry, drop in session for all ages. Every Tues & Thurs Children’s story & rhyme time session.
Every Mon Kingston Children’s Library Wheatfield Way Kingston 020 8547 6438 Rhyme & storytime sessions for babies, toddlers & under 5’s. Every Thurs Stories & crafts for under 5’s.
Every Mon Tudor Drive Library 020 8547 6456 Storytime for under 5’s, FREE. Every Tues Rhymetime for under 5’s followed by stay & play until 3.30pm, FREE.
Every Mon St John’s Church Kingston Road 020 8288 1801 Tots in Tow fun for the under 5’s, 10-11.30am.
Every Mon St James’s Church Hall Bodley Road 020 8942 2093 Tiddler’s Group for all parents and toddlers plus siblings in the holidays.
Every Mon eve Sutton Grammar School Korfball for Beginners for school years 3-12 various times & sessions, email for details info@nomadskorf.com.
Every Mon eve Corpus Christi School Chestnut Grove 07956 312920 Aerobics all abilities, 7-8pm.
Every Mon-Wed St James’s Church Hall Bodley Road New Malden 020 8942 2093. Tiddlers Group , 9.30-11.30am
Every Mon,Wed & Fri during term time Little Hamsters Play Cafe Ham 07432 354274 Relaxed environment for mums & tots 0-5yrs offering coffee, cakes, lunchs, soft play shapes, ball pool, ride on toys, table top activities & puzzles plus outdoor playground with indoor & outdoor seating, FREE parking, FREE Wi-Fi.
Every Tues Coulsdon Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime for babies & toddlers, Wiggle & Jiggle, 2-4yrs. Every Thurs Storytime, 2 ½+yrs. Every Sat Storytime, under 7’s, FREE.
Every Tues Ashburton Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime for babies & toddlers. Every Thurs Wiggle & Jiggle for toddlers. Every Mon Chatterbooks drop in sessions, 8-11yrs. Every Sat Rock & Rhyme for babies & toddlers. Every Wed Social club for older people for a chat & a cup of tea. Every Thurs term time only storytime for under 7’s, FREE.
Every Tues Purley Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime for babies & toddlers & Wiggle & Jiggle, toddlers over 18mths. Every Fri Storytime 2 ½+yrs. Every Sat Rock & Rhyme for babies & toddlers, FREE.
Every Tues Centrale Shopping Centre Croydon www.centrale.co.uk In the Early Learning Centre playtime sessions for children, all ages with all kinds of arts & arts from making face masks, cards, painting, colouring or just play, FREE, 10-12pm, Tel: 020 8686 7535.
Every Tues Thornton Heath Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime for babies & toddlers, FREE. Every Tues Careers, training & learning advice sessions, 2-4.30pm, FREE & Computer training courses for beginners to experts.
Every Tues De Staffords Leisure Centre Caterham 01883 344355 Family Swim.
Every Tues Riddlesdown Circular Walk 020 8726 6000 x64952 Health walk, 2-3miles, meet 11am at ‘Good Companions’ pub, Hamsey Green, FREE. www.croydon.gov.uk
Every Tues Farnham Library www.bookstart.org.uk Baby Bounce ‘n’ Rhyme, FREE.
Every Tues Whitton Library 020 8734 3343 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 2nd Thurs of month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Tues Hampton Wick Library 020 8734 3358 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 2nd Tues of the month Chatterbooks reading group, 8-9yrs, FREE.
Every Tues Donald Hope Library 020 8542 1975 Storytime. Every Thurs Need Help with IT? A dedicated volunteer will be available to provide assistance with a wide range of IT issues, for more info 020 8274 5799. Every Fri Rhymetime. Every Sat Colliers Wood Chess Club for all ages.
Every Tues Mitcham Library 020 8648 4070 Under 5’s Storytime & Craft, fun activity, FREE. Every Thurs CV & Careers Advice. Last Thurs of each month, Coffee Mornings. Every Fri Knitting Group, need to bring own needles.
Every Tues United Reformed Church Cavendish Hall 020 8949 3402 Sparkles, under 5’s, 9-11.30am.
Every Tues Malden Centre Blagdon Road New Malden 020 83361561 Stay & Play for under 5’s. Every Thurs young parents drop-in, 1-3pm. Every Fri Toy Library, under 5’s, 10.30-1.30pm.
Every Tues afternoon Raynes Park Library Story times for under 5’s. Every Thurs morn Simple Yoga & Meditation Group.
Every Tues & Thurs West Barnes Library 020 8274 5789 Classes for those wishing to learn to use the internet which runs for 6 weeks. Every Tues Rendezvous Club for over 55’s. Every month Art Club for children, to put your child’s name forward to join need to speak to member of staff in library. Every Fri Toddlers Rhyme Time & musical activities, 0-5yrs.
Every Tues-Fri Dickerage Adventure Playground Dickerage Lane Kingston 020-8942 1707 Parent & Toddler Play sessions.
Every Tues-Fri Dickerage Adventure Playground New Malden 020 8942 1707 Parent & Todder Play
Every Wed Sanderstead Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart rhymetime, babies & toddlers, Wiggle & Jiggle, 18mths+yrs, Storytime 2 ½ +yrs. Fortnightly Rock & Rhyme for pre-school children, FREE.
Every Wed Unitarian Church 1 The Flyover 020 8726 6000 x88965 Zumba Latin inspired dance music & rhythms, all abilities.
Every Wed Ham Library 020 8734 3354 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 1st Fri of each month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Wed Watermans 40 High Street Brentford 020 8232 1010. morn Parents & babies screenings. Every Sat Drama Zone 5-8 & 9-14yrs. Every Sat morn Family Cinema, 1 adult goes FREE with every one paying child.
Every Wed Hampton Hill Library 020 8734 3320 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 1st Sat of every month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Wed Tolworth Library 37-39 The Broadway 020 8547 6470 Rhyme & storytime for under 5’s with simple crafts, FREE.
Every Wed Tudor Hall Kingston 020 8893 4250 Jungle body fitness class using boxing, dance, cardio & pilates inspired moves, 7.30-8.30 p.m
Every Wed morn Sutton Arena Leisure Centre Middleton Road Carshalton 020 8770 4088 Women’s Recreation Mornings with a wide range of sport & social activities available for one single fee, 9-12pm. Daily Playworld fantasy play area, 2-10yrs.
Every Wed & Sun East Sheen Library Sheen Lane 020 8734 3337 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 3rd Wed of the month Chatterbooks reading group, 8-9yrs, 4.30pm, FREE. 1st & 3rd Thurs of month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Thurs Norbury Park and Norwood Grove 020 8726 6900 A circular walk through Norbury Park & Norwood Grove, 2-3 miles, meet at Norbury Train Station, 1.30pm, FREE.
Every Thurs Selsdon Baptist Chuch Addington Road 020 8726 6000 x88965 Circuits Low intensity for mature exercisers.
Every Thurs Croydon Sports College Croydon High School 020 8726 6000 x88965 Circuits Low intensity for mature exercisers.
Every Thurs South Norwood Leisure Centre 164 Portland Road 020 8726 6000 x88965 Aquacise sessions.
Every Thurs Cheam Leisure Centre Cheam 020 8770 4830 Street Dance lessons for boys & girls 10-15yrs
Every Thurs Twickenham Library Garfield Road 020 8734 3340 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. 2nd & 4th Thurs of month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Thurs Methodist Church Hall High St New Malden Parent & toddler club, 9.45-11.30am.
Every Thurs Methodist Church High Street New Malden Parent & Toddler Group
Every Thurs Tolworth Recreation Centre Fullers Way North Tolworth 020-8391 1882 Badminton Club for intermediate/advanced level, Tel: 020 8395 9175.
Every Thurs Bentall Centre Kingston Air,Land or Sea, ‘Make & Take’ workshops children can create their own costume or T-shirt, FREE, www.kingstonfirst.co.uk. Every Thurs Watch magic tricks & learn to do some at home held on 3rd floor.
Every Thurs in term time Sutton Christian Centre 020 8642 8117 Special Stars a baby & toddler group for children with disabilities or additional needs, from babies to pre-schoolers, siblings welcome.
Every 3rd Wed of the month Richmond Library 020 8734 3303 Chatterbooks reading group, 8-9yrs, 4.30pm, FREE. 1st Thurs of month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
1ST Fri of every month Bergundy & Black Café St Martins Walk Dorking Bumps & Babies is for mums with bumps & both parents or carers of non mobile babies, meet others for tea or coffee & get your baby socialising, www.nct.org.uk/branches/dorking/events/bumps-and-babies. 3rd Mon of every month Nappuccino a natter about nappies as an alternative to disposables.
Every Fri Broad Green Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime 0-5yrs. Fortnightly on Sat Rock & Rhyme for pre-school children. Every Wed Arty Crafty computers drop in sessions for under 5’s, parents & carers, FREE.
Every Fri South Norwood Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime for babies & toddlers. Every Tues Wiggle & Jiggle, 2-4yrs. Alternate Sat Rock & Rhyme or Storytime, FREE.
Every Fri Shirley Library 020 8253 1023 Bookstart rhymetime for babies & toddlers, Wiggle & Jiggle for 18mths+. Every Thurs Storytime for 2 ½+yrs. Every Sat Rock & Rhyme for babies & toddlers. Monthly story & craft workshops, 5-10yrs.
Every Fri New Addington Library 020 8253 1023 Bookstart Rhymeitme for babies & toddlers & Wiggle & Jiggle, 18mths+, Free.
Every Fri Norbury Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart Rhymetime. Every Thurs Wiggle & Jiggle. Alternate Sat Rock & Rhyme followed by Storytime. Last Fri of each month Chatter Books reading group for 8-12yrs, FREE.
Every Fri Selsdon Library 020 8726 6900 Bookstart rhymetime for babies & toddlers, Wiggle & Jiggle, 18mths+. Every Tues Storytime for pre-school children. Every Sat Rock & Rhyme for pre-schoolers. 1st Tues of the month Arty Crafty, 4-8yrs plus parents & siblings. Every Sat afternoon teenage reading group. Last Thurs of month adult reading group.
Every Fri Waddon Ponds & Wandle Park 020 8656 5947 Circular walk through Waddon Ponds & Wandle Park, 2-3 miles, meet outside Lidl, 11am, FREE.
Every Fri Thornton Heath Leisure Centre 89-110 High Street 020 8726 6000 x88965 Aquacise pay as you go sessions.
Every Fri Sutton Life Centre 020 8644 9696 Running & non contact boxing, 12-18yrs, FREE.
Every Fri Caterham Valley Library www.surrey.gov.uk/kidstuff Rhymetime, FREE. Every Thurs Storytime, FREE.
Every Fri Dorking Library www.surrey.gov.uk/kidstuff Rhymetime, FREE.
Every Fri Redhill Library www.surrey.gov.uk/kidstuff Rhymetime, FREE.
Every Fri Warlingham Library www.surrey.gov.uk/kidstuff Storytime, FREE.
Every Fri Teddington Library Walgrave Road 020 8734 3304/5 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. Every 2nd Wed of the month Chatterbooks reading group, 8-9yrs, 4.20pm, FREE. 1st Thurs of month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Fri Kew Library Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE.
Every Fri Christ Church Coombe Road 020 8241 9423 Toddler Group for under 5’s, 9.45-11.15am.
Every Fri New Malden Baptist Church Kingston Road New Malden 8942 6912 Tadpoles parent & toddler group.
Every Fri morn Running Club 07936 240937 A mixed group consisting mainly, but not restricted to mothers with children in school, meet at 9.50am in the Pembroke Lodge car park for a run of between 3 & 4 miles. Social group of runners with no pressure on ability, new runners more than welcome.
3rd & 4th Sat of the month Norbiton Childre’s Centre Kings Oak Primary Dickerage Lane 020 8949 6065 Who Let the dads out Play session for under 5’s, 10-12.30pm.
3rd Sat of every month Maple Road Surbiton Farmers Market www.surbitonfarmersmarket.co.uk Offering a wide selection of fresh seasonal produce.
9 May & every 2nd Sat of month Ripley Farmers Market Held on the village green with 35-45 stalls offering a wide range of locally sourced food, plus craft & community stalls with events throughout the year such as a dog show, bake off & cookery demonstrations from local Michelin star chef, Steve Drake, FREE parking, www.ripleyfarmersmarket.co.uk
Every Fri Bradmore Green Library Old Coulsdon 020 8726 6000 X64952 Bookstart Rhymetime for babies & toddlers, Wiggle & Jiggle, 2-4yrs. Every Mon Storytime 2 ½+yrs & Chatterbooks reading group for 8-11yrs. Fortnightly Every Sat Rhymetime,FREE..
Every Sat The Green Dragon 58-60 High Street Croydon 020 8667 0684 Storytime for families 3-7yrs, drop in 2hr session with stories, puppets, arts activities & songs, FREE.
Every Sat Heathfield Library 020 8734 3356 Storytime session, under 5’s, FREE. Last Tues of each month Tiny Teddies sessions baby bounce & rhyme, FREE.
Every Sat morn Canbury Gardens Lower Ham Road Kingston 020 8547 6422 Low impact outdoor cardio exercise for all with power walking, jogging & stretching, 10-11am, 10-11am, FREE, info@AHM-Go.com.
First Sat of every month New Malden Children’s Centre Burlington Road New Malden 020 8336 1561 Saturdads Group with breakfast & fun activities for dads/male carers & their children up to 5yrs. Every Mon Stay & Play 0-18mths
30 Apr-4 May RHS Gardens Wisley Wisley 01483 225329 Spring Craft & Design Fair with a range of contemporary & traditional crafts to include jewellery, wood craft, glass, pottery & lots more. 2-3 MayTaste of Wisley Rhubarb Fest. 4 May Taste of Wisley Flower (Flour) Fest using edible flowers to liven up our dishes. 23-31 May Super Power Flowers get planting & learn about how plants battle against the elements with their super powers. See the ‘Wonderland’ themed mini show gardens created by budding gardeners from local schools. 30-31 May Birds of Prey Weekend, FREE event once entered the garden. www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley
Until 17 May London Wetland Centre Queen Elizabeth’s Walk Barnes 020 8409 4400 Weekend family activities, enjoy a pond dipping session to see what mini-beasts are about, go for a nature walk & get creative with nature crafts.
Until 31 Dec Chertsey Museum 01932 575374 Magna Carta: Freedom under Law exhibition.
1 May Gatton Park 01737 649066 The story of the Highway Rat & go for a walk around the park to bring it to life. 8 May Toddler Tales & Trails – The Big Bad Fish storytelling. 15 May Toddler Tales & Trails, enjoy the story of Over in the Grasslands & go for a walk around the park to bring it to life. 22 May Toddler Tales & Trails, Shark in the Park enjoy the sotry of Shark in the Park. 27 May Pond Dipping need to book. 29 May Toddler Tales & Trails, Night Monkey, Day Monkey. www.gattonpark.com.
1-2 May Charles Cryer Theatre 39 High Street Carshalton 020-8770 6990 Keep the Home Fires Burning a tribute in words & music to the Heroes of two World Wars & the story of 2 young men, one British & one German & how their meeting affected their families at home, www.suttontheatres.co.uk. Every Thurs Minis & Juniors 5-7yrs.
2 May CranleighHigh Street Horley 07795 120761 Great family day out with rides, entertainment, music, craft & food stalls, vintage pop up café, crafts & art activities & much more, FREE entrance, www.cranleighvillage.net.
2 May Selsdon Wood Nature Reserve Old Farleigh Road Selsdon 020 8726 6900 Bluebells & Birds gentle stroll, www.friendsofselsdonwood.org.uk
2 May St Andrews Church Northey Avenue Cheam 020 8642 5000 Who Let the Dads Out fun & friendly play group for Dads & their children under 5yrs, held on 1st Sat of each month, Coffee & bacon butties supplied, www.standrews-cheam.org.uk
2 May Mill Studio Millbrook 01483 4400 00 My Friend Mole, 3+yrs. 16 May Mattress, Mattress, The Story of the Princess & the Pea, 3-7yrs, www.krazykarttheatre.co.uk. 23 May Rapunzel, 3+yrs, www.tutti-frutti.org.uk
2 May Brooklands Museum 01932 857381 Auto Italia-Italian Car Day & motorbikes plus many trade & club stands. 4 May Emergency Services Day with every conceivable vehicle & pieces of apparatus used in the emergency services plus Fireman Sam will be making personal appearances on site at intervals throughout the day, www.brooklandsmuseum.com. 25-29 May Half Term family fun take a trip in a vintage style car up Test Hill, look out for Bertie the Brooklands Bear who will be making guest appearnaces. There will be trails for children up to 12yrs plus family workshops throughout the holiday.
3 May Ashcroft Theatre Fairfield Croydon 020 8688 9291 We’ve Only Just Begun- The Carpenters Greatest Love Songs. 10 May Merlin:The Sword in the Stone family show. 16 May Ballet Theatre UK-Aladdin. 22-23 May The Cat in the Hat families, 3+yrs. 27-30 May Sister Act.
4 May Oxted Community Hill 53 Church Lane 01883 716056 Daisy Dog Vintage Fair with shabby chic furniture, jewellery, jams & chutneys, bags & gloves & lots more.
4 May Ottershaw Memorial Fields Foxhills Road Ottershaw Traditional May Fair
4 May Oxshott Village Sports Club Oxshott www.osxhottvillageday.com. Oxshott Village Day a fun filled day out for all the family with lots of entertainment for everyone, including bouncy castle, children’s fairground, Punch & Judy, climbing wall, face painting, jazz band , circus show & lots more. There will also be demonstrations & events like classic cars, various sports & the popular penalty shoot our plus lots of stalls, refreshments to include a hog roast, afternoon teas & lots more, entrance under 12’s FREE, www.osxhottvillageday.com.
4 May Dapdune Wharf 01483 561389 Down Your Wey Day meet some of the local environmental groups who study & promote river wildlife, plus craft workshops & childrne’s activities such as building a bird box. 25-31 May Messy Mayhem Half Term A week of messy play & having fun doing all the things the grown-ups won’t let you do at home, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/riverwey.
4-9 May Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Millbrook Guildford 01483 440000 The Pirates of Penzance. www.yvonne-arnaud.co.uk
5 May Farmers Market Guildford High Street 01483 444401 With high quality fresh local produce from local farmers to include, meat, fish, cheese, eggs, bread, chutneys plus lots more, www.guildford.gov.uk/farmersmarket
6 May Watts Gallery Down Lane Compton Surrey 01483 813593 Mini Make! Explore fabrics, textures & colours in this multi-sensory workshop for under 5’s. 9 May Discover! Lady with the Lamp hear stories of the heroic nurse, Florence Nightingale, discover the incomplete painting of her & work together to finish it, FREE. 28-29 May Make A Teracotts Birdbath. www.wattsgallery.org.uk
6,24 May Hutchinson’s Bank 020 8726 6900 Join Malcolm Bridge, Butterfly Conservation in search of different butterflies, meet at 11.a.m. 9 May Bird Watching, 2hr walk.
7 May OSO Arts Centre Barnes Family Explorers weekly art sessions for under 5’s.
8 May Epsom Playhouse Ashley Avenue 01372 742555 The Johnny Cash Roadshow, www.epsomplayhouse.co.uk
9-10 May Rural Life Centre Farnham 01252 795571 A Village at War re-enactors transform the museum with the sights & sounds of a village ‘somewhere in England’ as D-Day approaches & the troops prepare for the impending invasion. www.rural-life.org.uk
9-10 May Shalford Mill 01483 561389 National Mills Weekend, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/shalfordmill
10 May The Dittons Fair Giggs Hill Green Thames Ditton 07783 449666 Traditional family event with sideshows including football, tombola, crazy golf, the Dotty Dog Show & Dog gymkhana obstacle course plus craft & charity stalls & refreshments, FREE entry, www.thedittonsfair.co.uk
10 May Millmead Lock 01483 561389 River Wey Mills & Hills walk approx. 10 miles, FREE.
14 May Painshill Park Portsmouth Road, Cobham 01932 868113 Morning Lecture Series, Shakespeare’s Plants & Gardens & Demonstration of container plants for the summer. 16 May Spring Photography adults only. 28 May-18 June Dapdune Painting with Mel Cambridge paint & sketch in your favourite medium with friendly guidance from local artist Melanie Cambridge. www.painshillpark.co.uk
16 May Holy Trinity Church West End Village 020 8481 8192 May Fair with mega slide & giant assault course, traditional fair games, toys, crafts, face painting, pocket money stalls plus bbq food, & beer & Pimms pop up bar, entrance under 16’s, FREE, www.holy-trinity-pri.surrey.sch.uk/
16 May Dorking Museum & Heritage Centre The Old Foundry 62 West Street 01306 876591 Shapes & Patterns Family Drop In Activity, looks at the shapes & patterns to be found around Dorking. Take a trail around Dorking to find them in the doors & windows of the town, suitable families, www.dorkingmuseum.org.uk
16 May Compton Village Green 01483 415390 Traditional Village Fete held on the green in the centre of the village with stalls & sideshows to include circus skills, children’s petting farm, tea tent bbq, beer & Pimm’s tent, bric-a-brac & lots more, entrance FREE.
16 May Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Noah, a Musical Adventure, fun filled family musical based on the story of Noah & the Ark. 23 May Carmen the Opera, www.theleatherheadtheatre.org
16-17 May East Bysshe Cross Country Showground Blindley Heath, New Chapel 01737 645857 Heavy Horse, Dog & Country Show with miniature horses, new for 2015, historic wheels section, a century of horse drawn land, using traditional techniques. There will also be blacksmithing, fairground & dray rides & unusual foodstands, under 16yrs, FREE. www.shirehorsesite.org.uk
17 May Littleheath Woods Selsdon 020 8726 6900 Family Woodland Trail, find that perfect stick, follow a badger trail or see if there are tadpoles in the pond, meet at the Foxearth entrance to the wood, families, 5+yrs, www.croydon.gov.uk
17 May Merrist Wood College Holly Lane Worplesden 01483 884000 Summer Show with lots of activities to include tree climbing & animal interactions, children’s fairground plus plant stalls, floristry displays, craft markets, classic car show for the grown ups ,equine stunt show, stampede stunts motorcycle stunt show, refreshments & lots more.
23-24 May Concert Hall Fairfield 020 8688 9291 The Pirates of Treasure Island family show. 30 May Rat Pack Vegas Spectacular.
23-24 May Richmond Theatre Richmond Green Richmond 0844 871 7651 Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom live on stage for all the family.
24 May Pinewood Scout Centre 020 8726 6000 Open Day to promote all things nature with play & outdoor exploring in Croydon. Event for families, teachers, Early Year staff & youth leaders with forest school, bush craft, nature arts & crafts, storytelling, climbing walls & kayaking, to book activities, biodiversity@croydon.gov.uk
24 May Haslemere Classic Car Show Held on Lion Green a day filled with pre-75 classics & vintage entertainment for all the family with static afternoon show, display of pre-1975 vehicles & more plus quality stalls selling local produce, crafts, art, vintage & classic car related goods, traditional food, cream teas, bar, music, competitions & entertainment for all the family, entrance FREE but you are asked to buy a lucky programme for £1 to support the show, contact hccs@jamesewing.co.uk
24-25 May Hatchlands Park East Clandon 01483 222482 Go outdoors & get messy with activities & crafts from the “50 things” list for example making mud pies & wild art, www.nationaltrust.org.uk/hatchlands-park.
25 May Surrey County Show Stoke Park 01483 890810 Entertainment to include the Stampede Stunt Company’s ‘Magna Carta, Grand Prix Show, jumping & hot air balloons, see hundreds of prize cattle, sheep, pigs, goats & horses along with gun dogs, falconry displays & live music plus competitions for poultry, bees & honey, floristry & a fun dog show www.surreycountyshow.co.uk.
25-29 May Winkworth Arboretum Godalming 01483 208477 Half Term children’s trail. Half Term Wild Learning adventure holiday club, have fun & explore the woods with Wild Learning. www.wild-learning.net.
26-27 May Sayers Croft Field Centre Ewhurst Surrey 01483 275990 Woodland Explorers activities to include tracking & trailing, games & den making, bug hunts & lots more, 7-11yrs. 29 May Wet & Wild test your own raft to see whether you sink or swim, the day will be action packed & a change of clothes is a must, 7-10yrs, www.sayerscrofttrust.org.uk/events.
26-29 May Birdworld Farnham 01420 22140 Love Your Zoo Week, throughout the period additional tours & demonstrations in all of the animal departments plus topical trails & arts & crafts,
30 May Nonsuch Park Mansion 020 8644 2078 Garden Plant Sale selling annuals, perennials, shrubs, climbers & summer bedding all at very reasonable prices, 10.30-3p.m, FREE entry, www.friendsofnonsuch.co.uk
30 May Farmers Market Woking 01483 743208 Held in Mercia Walk with a wide variety of goods, 9-2.30 p.m.
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By Penny McCarthy
Penny McCarthy is a seasoned entrepreneur and co-founder of Parents News UK, a pioneering publication launched in 1993 to serve the needs of busy parents in Southwest London. Alongside her husband, Fergus McCarthy, Penny played a crucial role in the rapid expansion of the printed edition, which grew from a local startup to a widely circulated monthly publication with a reach of 192,000 copies across Kent, South London, and beyond. Under Penny’s leadership, Parents News quickly became a trusted resource for families, providing valuable information on education, entertainment, sports, and family-friendly events. Her vision helped the publication extend its influence with franchises in Northern Ireland and Cornwall, catering to a growing demand for accessible, family-oriented content. In 1997, recognising the importance of digital media, Penny spearheaded the launch of Parents News UK Online. The website initially mirrored the content of the printed editions and has since evolved into a comprehensive online resource for parents, achieving significant popularity with up to 700 daily hits. In 2017, the publication transitioned fully to an online platform, continuing to inform and engage families across the UK. Today, Penny remains deeply involved in the ongoing success of Parents News UK, focusing on innovative advertising opportunities and future growth plans. Her dedication to supporting families through accessible and practical content has made Parents News a cherished name in households across the country.
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