Sleepzzz Until…Make the special times count.

This delightful pre-birthday gift will become a must  for parents, family members and grandparents alike. Birthdays are the most exciting time in a child’s life and helping them to stay patient the closer the special day gets is a tricky task for parents.

Sleepzzz Until Birthday Buddy

can get the party started early. Helping with how many sleeps until their birthday arrival. This soft buddy bear is an interactive gift set. Birthday Buddy teaches counting, patience and reward inciting in your child’s mind that a good night’s sleep is an exciting way to countdown to their exciting day.  A calendar with 14 day’s worth of tear off strips, and bear stickers to reward that extra special good behaviour.

Girl or Boy version

The range will include Holiday Buddy bear and Starting school Buddy. Both waits can seem “unbearable” for some children. Starting school Buddy can really help with exciting but daunting time for children. Giving parents and children some control to the countdown to the start of school.
Buddy Bears will make the special times in your little people’s life count.

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