National Eye Health Week 18 Sep17

National Eye Health Week raises awareness of the importance of visiting an optomologist for healthcare.

The week promotes the importance of regular sight tests every 2 years and educates people on the conditions it can uncover.  Amazing case studies show how they discovered serious conditions, not necessarily sight related. 

Parents News UK interviewed Dr Ahmed Sivardeen Bsc(Hons) DOptom FCOptom FEAOO Clinical and Commercial Director at SPECSAVERS, in New Malden, Southwest London.


Dr Sivardeen was obviously passionate about healthcare in general and especially in children. He says an eye examination is a unique opportunity to safely investigate blood vessels, and especially encourages 9-11 year old children to get tested where there can be a holistic view of their general health as well as eye care. There are cases where the optomologist has detected fluid on the brain and even tumours. They have also detected are other diseases, but of course healthy eyes are important to us all. Early detection of glaucoma and macula disease is important. Healthcare treatment may include nutrition advice.

He also explained the effects of ageing and lifestyle on the eyes. The technology has advanced greatly in recent years and the eye-test is much more thorough. The detailed mapping of the retina is now possible and there are tests for peripheral vision (fun to take with a push button game-like process)

While he was obviously proud of Specsavers he encouraged people to go to any optometrist, but do so EARLY in life and regularly! There are lots of child-friendly pictures and posters, and a large range of frames.

Specsavers have plenty of information, brochures and a magazine Specsavers for Kids, with stickers, including Despicable Me. Specsavers has teamed up with Thomson Screening to deliver free vision-screening software to every primary and secondary school across the country.

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