Spring Cleaning Tips: Remove Stubborn Stains from Your Home

spring cleaning

Spring cleaning: with schools back in session, now’s the perfect time to tackle your to-do list. After entertaining the kids over the half-term break, you might find yourself facing more craft-related stains than usual.  But not to worry, Ryan Fitzgerald, home expert and owner of Raleigh Realty (https://raleighrealty.com/), shares tips for removing unwanted art from the 3 most common culprits from your walls, furniture, and clothing

Permanent marker on walls to remove when spring cleaning

Solution: Sunscreen

If your walls have fallen victim to permanent marker scribbles, you need to be careful not to remove the paint along with the stain. Sprayable sunscreen offers a gentle yet effective solution for laminate flooring and painted walls. Before starting, hold a paper towel underneath the affected area to catch any excess ink. Spray over the stain, then gently wipe it away with a clean, dry cloth.

Crayon Marks on Walls

Solution: Dryer Sheets

To remove wax crayon from your walls, all you need are a couple of dryer sheets. These polyester fabric squares contain lubricants and liquid softeners and are slightly abrasive, which helps lift the crayon off the wall. Gently rub the affected area, then follow up with a damp sponge or cloth. Great spring cleaning.

Ballpoint Pen Ink on Fabrics

Solution: Milk

If you find a ballpoint pen scribble on your cushion cover or throw blanket, simply soak it in milk. As an emulsion, milk attracts both oil and water, helping to dissolve the ink and draw it out of the fabric. Submerge the stained area in a container of milk overnight. Then, rinse the item with cold water and wash as usual.

By following these simple solutions while spring cleaning, you can keep your home spotless and ready for the new season.

Author link: Ryan Fitzgerald

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