Ways to Keep School Uniforms Creative

It can be difficult for schools with a dress code policy to strike a balance between a fun and functional uniform. But promoting uniqueness and maintaining a dress code can go hand in hand. With a few subtle changes and details, you to help to promote individuality within schools and students.

Leading school uniform suppliers Price and Buckland are offering their advice on how to create a balanced, yet fun take on a traditional school uniform.

  • Don’t be afraid to be Different

Trade in your simpler patterns and prints to help make subtle changes to a uniform. Even in the simplest changes, you can really help your school stand out!

So, don’t be afraid to trade in a simpler, bolder prints for patterns. How about swapping your basic colours and incorporate a bit of piping within polo’s and tracksuit bottoms, for a subtler change!

Or go a step further and consider add more vibrant red, green, and yellow shades alongside staple colours to create a more exciting dress code. These colours can be incorporated as boldly, or as subtly as you wish.

Add a splash of colour to the socks or include a trim or piping alongside your school’s blazer. You can also choose a coloured inner lining to compliment your school colours.

Students will be sure to love the variety!

  • Experiment with Layers and Outerwear

Just as the seasons change, so can your school’s outerwear choices.

Blazers are great for winter, but consider mixing and matching layers to better compliment seasonal changes. Add sweaters knitwear as an outerwear option for spring and summer.

You can also explore available materials from your supplier. Enquire about fabric choices such as acrylic, fine knit cotton, regular knit, and cotton. You’ll be keeping student’s cooler in the warmer months and nice and warm during cold seasons.

Incorporating a bit of style to uniforms, is a great way to creating a sense of fun and individuality to students and schools!

  • Ensure it is High Quality

Quality should always be priority. A single polo shirt can on average be worn up to 80 times in a school year. That’s excluding the number of playground time and running around that a child’s uniform will go through- all before wash time!

With that in mind, uniforms must have both a smart and durable design to make sure that parents aren’t constantly re purchasing. Sharp tailoring and resistant shape- holding materials ensure that high-quality, breathable fabrics are used to get the best value for money.

A high-quality piece of clothing also extends to the fit. Ensure that the designs are suitably tailored to create a well-fitted structure. Clothing with polyester, viscose and elastane provides a great hold and stability for uniforms- especially in trousers, skirts, and dresses.

  • Include Accessories

You can team up school uniforms with a range of everyday accessories as another way of showing  school spirit! Back packs and gym bags can be put into school colours and embroidered with the logo. A range of other accessories such as hats and scarves can also be incorporated into bold prints and colours to help your kids stand out!

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