Dreamgenii for Pre-natal Yoga

The Dreamgenii Pregnancy Pillow is much more than just a sleep aid—it’s a versatile support tool designed to enhance the well-being of pregnant mothers throughout their journey. Known for its multi-platinum award-winning design, the Dreamgenii provides comfort from 20 weeks onward, ensuring optimal rest and fitness support.

Key Features:

  1. Optimal Sleep Positioning: Its unique, patented “number 7” shape encourages left lateral sleeping, which is the recommended position for optimal foetal health.
  2. Full Body Support: It features a soft bump cushion to protect the belly, a back cushion to prevent rolling, and leg support to alleviate pressure on the knees, back, and bump.
  3. Compact Design: Unlike many pregnancy pillows, the Dreamgenii takes up minimal space, ensuring that partners can sleep comfortably too.
  4. Premium Material: The pillow comes with a super-soft 100% jersey cotton cover, ensuring a cozy night’s sleep for the mother-to-be.

Dreamgenii for Pre-natal Yoga

The Dreamgenii pillow is also an ideal companion for pre-natal yoga, offering tailored support for various yoga poses. It supports key areas like the lower back, hips, and knees, improving posture and enhancing comfort during practice. Whether used as a cushion, bolster, or prop for restorative poses, it helps avoid strain and overexertion, allowing moms-to-be to focus on breathing, stretching, and relaxation.

Yoga teacher Espi Mansi highlights how the Dreamgenii enhances the prenatal yoga experience by providing the needed comfort and support, helping moms enjoy a safe and gentle fitness routine without compromising on their well-being.

This pillow is an essential tool for a comfortable pregnancy—both in bed and on the yoga mat

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