HorseWorld’s Discovery Programme: How Rescued Horses Helped Save Charlie’s Life

As the UK marks Children’s Mental Health Week, one Bristol-based charity is shining a light on the transformative power of horses in supporting young people’s mental well-being. HorseWorld’s equine assisted learning programme ‘Discovery’ has been changing lives for over 15 years by bringing together rescued horses and vulnerable young people.

For 12-year-old Charlie, this unique programme has been nothing short of life-saving. After being out of school for three years due to the challenges of autism and ADHD, Charlie was struggling with his mental health and had even felt suicidal. But that all changed when he began attending Discovery sessions at HorseWorld in January 2024.

Charlie’s mother Rachel explains:

“Discovery has given him his life back. He was really poorly from lots of trauma and unmet SEND needs in school. He had been failed time and time again by adults and therapists, but since coming here, he’s gained confidence, a purpose, and a reason to be alive. He has developed an absolute love for horses and animals, and he’s formed a great bond with Kayleigh and the other facilitators. It has restored his faith in human kindness.”

Charlie has built a particularly close relationship with Archie, one of HorseWorld’s gentle rescued horses.

“Archie is my best friend,” Charlie says. “He understands people, I think. And he loves hugs! At first, I was a bit scared of horses, but then I found a love for them. One day, I let go of Archie’s lead rope, and he just followed me without me calling him. It was amazing!”

Thanks to Discovery, Charlie is now preparing to transition to an independent specialist school, something his mother never thought would be possible. “There is a farm at his new school, and everything he has learned at HorseWorld will help him settle in. This programme has completely changed his future.”

The Healing Power of Horses

Every year, around 300 young people take part in HorseWorld’s Discovery programme, which provides a safe, non-judgmental space where they can develop confidence, build relationships, and improve their mental well-being. The programme is particularly vital for those struggling with social, emotional, and mental health challenges or at risk of exclusion.

Kayleigh Sivier, a Discovery Facilitator who has worked closely with Charlie, was recently nominated by him for a SEND Superstar Award, recognising education professionals who make a profound difference.

“I nominated Kayleigh because she is one of the kindest and funniest people I know,” Charlie says. “She helps me feel confident, independent, and she believes in me.”


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